Because therapy can be highly sensitive, your privacy and confidentiality is of utmost importance. I take it very seriously. Therapy sessions are always kept completely confidential and no
information about you will ever be shared with anyone without your request. In rare cases an exception may be made as required by law or in the case of an emergency. In general, those exceptions
- Medical emergencies, in which I would disclose your name to emergency personnel should you become ill or injured,
- Suspected child, elder or handicapped person abuse,
- Threats of direct harm to an identifiable victim,
- In cases where a court order requires disclosure.
In addition, because I am involved in teaching counseling students, I may use general information for educational purposes, but no individual or personal details are ever disclosed, and
identifying information is completely changed.
Finally, in keeping with standards of excellence in the field of psychology, I regularly consult with other professionals about my methods and practices in order to ensure the highest quality of
service. Again, no personal or identifying information will be disclosed.
Please feel free to discuss any particular concerns or requests with me and I will do whatever I can do to make sure you are comfortable.